I normally use .ps rather than .pdf so, when I downloaded splint, I
also downloaded the manual.ps file. I normally use gv for both
viewing and printing and, for some reason, printing ceased at page 12
(printing even pages only). After struggling for a while, I downloaded
the .pdf file and managed to print that without problem using the
acrobat reader. Having used it a little, I find it's faulty and my
experiences prompt a couple of suggestions: both of which should be
easy to do.

1. Only by downloading both manual.ps(5Mb) and manual.pdf(0.5Mb) did I
find their sizes. It would be nice if the sizes could be shown. (We
pay for the time on-line in the UK.)

2. The page numbers in both the Contents page and the Index are
different from those in the text. I've not worked out in detail
where they are different but a couple of examples will suffice.
Appendix C is on page 99 according to the Contents page but it is
actually on page 104. `Suppressing warnings', which is the first thing
in Appendix C, shows the same difference.


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