Am 21.12.04, 22:13 +0100 schrieb Boudewijn Rempt:

> * I need .icm profiles to do transforms. So, if I want to transform data from
> bgra to argb (for display on ppc), do I need a bgra profile and an argb
> profile, or can I make do with one sRGB profile for that transform?

You can do that with the pixel layouts in lcms.h
cmsCreateTransform( RGBProfile, TYPE_BGR_8,
                    MoniProfile, TYPE_RGB_8,

> * The profiles that are available from the lcms website, can I bundle those
> with Krita, or are they more restricted?
> * And if so, if I want to offer cmyk, how can I get or create a basic cmyk
> profile for lcms transforms?

Standard profiles are available from , fogra,org , ...
better You provide links, as these profiles are only useable with offset
machines. With the yet colour unstable gimp-print it is as well not
suitable to provide standard profiles for ink jets. If You are not shure
what backend used at all, CMYK profiles make no sense. They are mostly
dependend on the whole processing chain (driver-settings-ink-paper).

I am afraid Colour Management is not as easy as providing some profiles to
come in colour heaven ;)

> --
> Boudewijn Rempt | "Geef mij maar zuurtjes."

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
                                + Bildprogrammierung / Panoramen
                                + Farbmanagement
                                + email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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