Am 07.06.08, 22:21 +0100 schrieb Kevin Gale:

> I'll definitely check the site out. One last question. What I would like to 
> avoid is converting the image if the source profile is the same as the 
> destination profile. Do you know of a way to actually compare profiles to see 
> if they are the same?

Looking at the description tag is a typical option but can be faked. 

Checking the resulting transform for identity in each table- and curves 
entry might be an other option. The drawback is the computational cost to 
create the transformation in the first place. I would expect the 
device link curves to be linear[0,1] and each table output entry matching 
the table input value. More pragmatically one might run the colour 
conversion over a simple fine grained test image and look for differences 
above a reasonable threshold. The test image should cover a reasonable 
range of patches to match the DL table.

An other option, in case only two profiles are involved, is to check for
identical md5 check sums as described in the ICC profile specification.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management +

PS: something like this would be nice in Oyranos

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