My apologies for asking again about this issue.

Different results obtain from converting to a built-in profile in memory 
vs "the same" profile save to disk.

Is it accurate to say that the results are different because the added 
precision in the profile in memory means the profile in memory really 
isn't the same profile.

A consequence of this situation is that pure white in the image on disk 
will become slightly off white after being converted to the built-in 
profile, even if the embedded profile and the built-in profile are 
nominally "the same", because really they aren't the same:

> transicc -w -c0 -b -t1 -i sRGB-lcms-built-in.icc -o *sRGB
> R? G? B? 255 255 255
> R=254.9988 G=255.0029 B=254.9981

If one wants to preserve white when converting from the profile on disk 
to the "same" profile in memory, is there a way to tell the built-in 
profile in memory to *not* use the extra precision?

Thanks in advance,


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