
You wrote :

> // create lcms inputprofile
>  IntPtr inputProfileH = IntPtr.Zero;
>I f (biFrm.ColorContexts != null) {
>       byte[] inputProfile =
> StreamToArray(biFrm.ColorContexts[0].OpenProfileStream());
>       inputProfileH =
> Basic.Lcms.NativeMethods.cmsOpenProfileFromMem(inputProfile,
> (uint)inputProfile.Length);

Does this code actually work for you?

First of all, when creating a BitmapFrame with PreservePixelFormats the
ColorContext is *always* nill!!!
It does not work for me, with the JPEG files I tried.

I would *love* for the ColorContext to come across as I would be able to
create an ICC profile from memory, the way to do it.
It is perfect! Except, it does not work.

In all my testing, so far, I have NOT been able to retrieve a ColorContext
(embedded ICC profile) from a JPEG image.

Second question...

Where does the "StreamToArray" method comes from?

Best / Roger

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