On 03/01/2017 04:48 AM, Martí Maria wrote:
> Hi Elle,
> After checking the sample, there is a small glitch in tifficc which I
> will fix in next release. The glitch is the "of 9 channels" part of
> error message.  The error diagnostic should be only "unsupported color
> space".

Hi Marti,

I would have made this bug report even if "unsupported color space" had 
been the error message, as this still makes it sound like the profile is 
the problem.

Perhaps "unsupported color space for file format" might be more informative?

> You got this because TIFF files does not support, at least not
> directly, XYZ spaces. See
> https://www.itu.int/itudoc/itu-t/com16/tiff-fx/docs/tiff6.pdf

In tiff6.pdf XYZ is mentioned 7 times in various contexts, but there 
doesn't seem to be a statement that XYZ isn't supported.

Are you saying that because XYZ is not explicitly listed in Part 1 
(Baseline TIFF) or Part 2 (TIFF Extensions) it's not supported to save 
an XYZ image to disk as a TIFF?

What file formats do support the XYZ color space?

I don't personally use XYZ for editing, but apparently some people do 
find use cases.

I can verify (from testing) that tiffs can indeed be saved to disk in 
the XYZ color space and then opened again, with the XYZ data intact.


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