
I think i've made some progress in the group creation, but i'm not yet quite there.

I have:

# Grupos do TIM
dn: ou=futebol,ou=accounts,dc=telbit,dc=pt
objectClass: organizationalUnit
description: Grupo de Futebol
ou: futebol

# Grupo do futebol
dn: uid=futeboladas,ou=futebol,ou=accounts,dc=telbit,dc=pt
objectClass: top
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: uidObject
cn: futeboladas
sn: a doer
uid: futeboladas
member: uid=mgamito,ou=tim,ou=accounts,dc=telbit,dc=pt
member: uid=alopes,ou=tim,ou=accounts,dc=telbit,dc=pt
member: uid=tmarto,ou=tim,ou=accounts,dc=telbit,dc=pt
cn: Futebol

but when inserting, i get the error:
adding new entry "uid=futeboladas,ou=futebol,ou=accounts,dc=telbit,dc=pt"
ldap_add: Object class violation (65)
        additional info: attribute 'member' not allowed

Any help would be appreciated.

Warm Regards
:wq! Mário Gamito

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