Dear list

I am not sure if LDAP support the kind of "joint search" that frequently
being used in relational database.

e.g. I got 3000 records like this

dn: ou=support,dc=realss,dc=com
ou: support
objectClass: organizationalUnit
telephoneNumber: +592 209 2185538

dn: cn=Zhang Weiwu,ou=support,dc=realss,dc=com
cn: Zhang Weiwu
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
favoriteDrink: tea

How can I do a ldap search to get a list if telephone numbers of
departments that have people who prefer to drink tea?

I can:
1) first do ldapsearch (&(favoriteDrink=tea)(objectClass=inetOrgPerson))
2) obtain a list of 'dn', cut the first part of the dn and get a list of
dn of organizationalUnit that have people who prefer to drink tea. Now I
got a list of 1500 organizationalUnits;
3) do ldapsearch 1500 times using the DNs I have got in step 2, ask for
telephone number, collect results together.

This is possible but take a lot of time. For SQL database I'd use a
joint select statement. Is there an easier way to achieve this in LDAP?


Zhang Weiwu
Real Softservice
+86 592 2091112

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