Aha!  the problem was not the Windows run environment but the Windows 
build environment.  OpenLDAP ended up using an unexpected directory for 
it's slapd.conf file, so we had never changed the default config (we built 
a previous version in a full Cygwin environment, and built this one in 
minGW--the minGW build was using the Cygwin/etc/openldap directory!).

The Windows build appears to work just fine when properly configured. 
Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions--this problem is now closed.


06/19/2007 04:07 PM


Re: [ldap] Re: syntax for posixAccount

> Thanks for your comments and your time.  The problem is not processing 
> Windows ldif files because I can load the basic database structure 
> from an ldif file without any problems.  I'm beginning to think it is 
> something in the schema definitions that's the problem.  OpenLDAP 
> changed the schemas between the two versions I'm using, and I always 
> seem to have an error on inetOrgPerson and account no matter how I use 
> them.  I've posted this question on the OpenLDAP forum, as it may be 
> related to how I've set up the config for this particular server.
> Thanks again for your help, it's most interesting to see that you can 
> load what I can't.  It points to the problem being something other 
> than the ldif file itself.
> JFE.
> *Quanah Gibson-Mount <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>*
> 06/19/2007 12:01 PM
> To
If I recall it right, both account and inetOrgperson are structuals. You 
can use only 1 structual per record.
Older versions of openldap where not that picky...
    E. Hoekstra

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