I've set things up the way I think they should be, but when trying to log
in as the newly LDAP created user (the first one), it keeps saying invalid
user.  I must have missed something.  First, Last, d1, d2, & d3 are not
actual values.  Changed them for security.

If I do an "ldapsearch -x -b 'cn=First
Last,ou=people,dc=d1,dc=d2,dc=d3,dc=com'", ldap successfully finds the
user and prints out everything about it.

/etc/openldap/ldap.conf and /etc/openldap/slapd.conf appear to have been
set up correctly since ldapsearch works.

I added ldap to /etc/nsswitch.conf passwd, shadow, and group entries
before files.  I did not add db to those entries.

I chkconfig'd on LDAP and saslauthd and started them both.  Originally
only ldap.  No change after adding saslauthd on.

When looking at /var/log/secure, the following come out before entering
the password when using ssh to log in and getting the password prompt
(note that I changed IP and username from their actual values for

Jul 10 16:51:02 denali sshd[32449]: Invalid user xxxxxxx from
Jul 10 23:51:02 denali sshd[32450]: input_userauth_request: invalid user
Jul 10 23:51:02 denali sshd[32450]: Failed none for invalid user xxxxxxx
from ::ffff:0:0:0:0 port 45103 ssh2
Jul 10 23:51:02 denali sshd[32450]: Failed gssapi-with-mic for invalid
user xxxxxxx from ::ffff:0:0:0:0 port 45103 ssh2
Jul 10 23:51:02 denali sshd[32450]: Failed gssapi-with-mic for invalid
user xxxxxxx from ::ffff:0:0:0:0 port 45103 ssh2
Jul 10 23:51:02 denali sshd[32450]: Failed publickey for invalid user
xxxxxxx from ::ffff:0:0:0:0 port 45103 ssh2

After trying the password, once, originally set up, these come out:

Jul 10 23:56:36 denali sshd[32456]: Failed publickey for invalid user
xxxxxxx from ::ffff:0:0:0:0 port 45122 ssh2
Jul 10 23:56:48 denali sshd[32456]: Failed password for invalid user
xxxxxxx from ::ffff:0:0:0:0 port 45122 ssh2
Jul 10 16:56:48 denali sshd[32455]: Failed password for invalid user
xxxxxxx from ::ffff:0:0:0:0 port 45122 ssh2

Could someone enlighten me as to what else to look at to determine what
might be wrong here, or what else to try.


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