On Thu, 2007-09-06 at 09:42 -0300, Steve Scanavarro wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> I have configured my DNS Server (BIND9) zones in a LDAP, so my DNS is
> now binding to LDAP to query for DNS requests.
> It's working fine, my nslookups and pings to hosts are all ok!
> *BUT* my doubt (and fear! :) is that when I put this operational, it
> will become slow, because of the size of my companies' network (about
> 5000 workstations that query and lots of subnets zones, that this
> workstations belong). 
> How does the internals(?) of OpenLDAP will work? It 
> a) "Loads" all the records/zones in the memory?

The back-bdb and back-hdb backends of OpenLDAP use Berkley BDB.  You
need to properly provision OpenLDAP (of course).   OpenLDAP is extremely
scalable,  if you've done your job provisioning OpenLDAP I doubt you'll
have any performance problems.

Read the OpenLDAP documentation - and use a current version.  DB_CONFIG/
olcDbConfig is really really important.  One flaw of the docs is that
they don't make this very prominent - flashing neon would be
appropriate;  a bold disclaimer at the start of the "Configuring slapd"
saying: "If you fail to properly configure your Sleepycat backend via
olcDbConfig you will experience unacceptable performance."  would save
so many people allot of head-scratching as to why the performance they
see from the world's fastest DSA simply sucks. Start with -
http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/1072.html ,
http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/1075.html , and
http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/1074.html .  Although I suspect
what 1074 is a little out of date since it states "The bottom line -
because the back-bdb databases must be managed by both the OpenLDAP
tools and the Sleepycat tools, we must use the Sleepycat DB_CONFIG file
in addition to slapd.conf." and with olcDbConfig you don't need to
create a DB_CONFIG (sort of, olcDbConfig creates it for you).  The whole
OpenLDAP<->Sleepycat thing can be confusing at first.
> b) Every time a dns query comes, my BIND9 has to open a connection and
> bind the OpenLDAP server? 
> Anyone got that working in a large network with the same "speed" as
> without using LDAP?

I'm at about 1,000 nodes and performance is unbelievable.  OpenLDAP is a
rocket ship.

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