>Say, there are 15 people in company ABB, there are 15 entries for
>people, each with 'o: ABB' and there is an entry for company, also have
>'o: ABB' in it. If the name is often misspelled, and it turns out this
>company should be ABC, then correction of name would have updated 16
>entries. Lacking batch update operation in LDAP, the client application
>must submit ldap modify request of 16 entries.


>For lack of experience, I don't know if such update (update 16 entries
>by client) is normally acceptable or not?

It depends on the client,  there is no technical reason you can't update 
all entries.  But how realistic is it that you are going to spell it wrong 
the same way all 16 times?  The real solution to that, IMHO,  is to adjust 
your HR policies to make is easier to fire people.

>Another idea is have 15 entry for 15 people, each with
>'dnOfOrganization: cn=company1689,dc=xx,dc=xx'
>And one entry for the company, which is 'cn=company1689,dc=xx,dc=xx'. In
>this entry there is 'o: ABB'
>Using this method updating a company name is only updating one entry
>(not 16 entries). But, compiled search, e.g. search for all people who
>works in a company that contain 'chemical' in its name, would be more
>complex: First the client must search for all companies with 'chemical'
>in its name, getting a list of dn, and search for people whoes
>'dnOfOrganization' is one of them.

Would work I suppose but seems clumsy and will require a specialized client 
to correctly add entries.  You loose the generic benefits os LDAP.

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