I'm new to LDAP.  I want to do something basic in the normal, standard
way, but I'm confused.

When I log into a computer, I don't use my name, "Corey Trager", I use my
username, "ctrager".   What part of the inetOrgPerson should contain the
"ctrager"?  I assumed that "uid" was the attribute to use.  So, below is a
snippet from an ldif file showing that I put "ctrager" in the "uid"

But, when I tried to write the code to authenticate, I couldn't figure out
how to do it in one trip.   Below that are some C# snippets showing me
trying to authenticate.  In the first trip, I search for a user that has a
uid matching what was typed in.   Then I save that user's cn and make a
second trip authenticating with the cn and password.

Is there a simpler way I'm missing, where I could do everything in one

# excerpt from ldif file

dn: cn=Corey Trager,ou=people,dc=mycompany,dc=com
sn: Trager
cn: Corey Trager
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
uid: ctrager
userpassword: mypassword

// First, search for a "cn" that has a "uid" that was entered

DirectoryEntry nRoot = new
nRoot.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationTypes.None;
DirectorySearcher nDS = new DirectorySearcher(nRoot);
nDS.SearchScope = System.DirectoryServices.SearchScope.Subtree;
nDS.Filter = "uid=" + sUserId;
SearchResult sr = nDS.FindOne();
string sCn = (string) sr.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["cn"].Value;

// Now, try to authenticate

DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry(
        "cn=" + sCn + ",ou=people,dc=mycompany,dc=com",

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