I already posted this to the sunray mailing list, but I thought I'd ask
here, as well.  I'm pretty sure there's a larger reader base and I'm hoping
that somebody might have a bit of experience with this:

I struggled for some time trying to get LDAP and PAM to work together well
enough to be able to authenticate successfully on a couple of ubuntu
machines here.  Now that it's working successfully we want to move our
OpenSuSE Linux server cluster to be utilizing LDAP; that was the SunRays
that they serve can be much more centrally administrated...  Doing password
and other various user changes across the entire array of Linux machines has
been a nightmare.

Anyway, now that I'm starting to know LDAP fairly well, I just dropped the
working PAM configuration files into /etc/pam.d on one of the machines in
our server cluster.  Well, all of the standard linux services (su, sshd,
login, chsh, EVERYTHING) worked just fine relying only on the LDAP directory
for authentication (this is OpenLDAP, btw, not one of sun's directory
services which I've only been able to get working with the Calendar suite
for its own data).  Unfortunately, gdm and the SunRay services refuse to
authenticate with that data.  I had to restore /etc/pam.d from backup in
order to get the SunRays to let anyone authenticate.

Does anybody out there have a SunRay/SRSS system set up that is using
OpenLDAP?  I started looking through the various files in pam.d that SRSS
seems to rely heavily on and I see that they're full of libraries which
appear to be (big surprise) nonstandard and Sun proprietary.  I'd really
like to have this system working, or at least be able to find documentation
about it.  Unfortunately my google-fu seems to be lacking.  I would really
appreciate any information that anyone out there could give or even a few
pointers to resources that I haven't been able to turn up on my own.

Thank you for your time & help.

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Damon Getsman
Linux/Solaris System Administrator

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