The BofM and DNA articles are interesting.  Most will tell you that DNA is a
very new science and that we're sill learning about it -- others swear by
it.  None of this shook my testimony, but I did wonder at some of the

As a new science, DNA still has a lot of unknowns.  Some might call them
'missing links'.  Given the incompleteness of the science, why are we trying
to defend a revolutionary idea within those incomplete parameters?

The BofM says that middle eastern people came at various times to the
Americas.  I believe that 100%.  Rather than argue DNA issues, we should
probably look at some of the evidence that doesn't support the normal
migration theories.

Here's once example.  In a cave in Nevada about 10,000 years ago (carbon
dated), there lived a man known as "Spirit Cave Man".  The events and dates
are documented and accepted by science.  Spirit Cave Man was described as
having more *European features* (i.e., not Asian features).  You can read
more about this if you're interested... 

Then there is a tribe of people in Japan whose features are entirely
European.  There name slips my mind at the moment.  They are still alive
today, although there are fewer than 100 'pure' members left of this tribe.

The current DNA / American Migration theories don't take into account
evidences such as these.  They are probably left out, since they don't
support the current theory.  

Nobody, including the BofM, is saying that Asian Migration to the Americas
didn't occur.  Rather, it is saying that Hebrew peoples did migrate to the

When we debate DNA, we need to be a little wary of its limiting framework,
understand that it is a new science, and take into account seemingly
anecdotal evidences and try to determine why they might be important.  If we
limit our conversations to what is currently accepted and supported by DNA
sciences, we might leave out some really important details.

Always good for 2 cents worth,


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