As someone who has a hyphen in his last name not from marriage, but from birth 
it also in infuriating when I come across a computer system that will only 
accept alpha characters in the last name field.

GR Gordon-Ross

"A. Rick Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Robert Nickel wrote:
> lol.  My efforts were toward the normalization of the database and creation of
> the php classes for the various objects in a web based system.  However, I

> will try to make some sense of what I've been thinking.

> The core features that *must* be implemented (Level 1):
>  >   o Troop roster.
>     - First name, last name, middle initial (optional).
>     - Flag for leader or scout.

As one who uses their middle name, I am always infuriated when, in this day of TeraByte storage, I encounter computer systems that insist on calling me "A", because I use "A. Rick Anderson". If you insist on such an archaic limitation, please do NOT add a restriction against the use of a period or space character as legal values in a name. I can't tell you how many computer systems where my "first" name is "A. Rick" Anderson :-(

But, if you'd send me your initial cut, I would also appreciate having a starting point.

A. Rick Anderson
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