There was some discussion a while ago about the e-mail feature of the official web sites.

IMHO, the easiest change that would promote the use of e-mail with the site would be if the administrator could edit the e-mail address of the member ... even if the member isn't registered on the site.

I have found that getting people to register is like pulling teeth sometimes.

Also, every time I do a web broadcast I get back a list of bad e-mail addresses. When I contact the people, I often get "oh, I don't use that e-mail any more. My new one is ..." and even though I explain that they have to go in and change their e-mail address, that has never happened. :-(

If I were able to go through the list of members and either create or fix all the bad/missing e-mail addresses, then people might actually use the web site for broadcasts.

Bill Pringle
home/school: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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