On Tuesday 24 April 2007 07:50:09 am Steven H. McCown wrote:
> This was an amazing thing (for a diehard Windows user) is that 1) it all
> actually worked, and 2) that it was completely free.  I did have to spend
> 45 min or so to figure all this out, but I'm a CS guy and that's what we do
> for fun, anyway....

Cool.  One other thing you might have tried, BTW, is to use gpart to try to 
recover the partition table.  Assuming that's all that was trashed 
(unlikely), you might have avoided the need to analyze and rename all of the 

Glad you got your data back.

> I do have a question.  Is there a good Quicken-type replacement for Linux?

I use Moneydance.  It's not quite as feature-rich as Quicken, but it does a 
pretty good job, and even manages to automatically download all of my bank 
and credit card transactions.  The software is quite good, but the best thing 
about it, IMO, is the support.  There's a pretty good community of Moneydance 
users, many of them very helpful, and the developers are extremely 
responsive.  It is very refreshing to post a question about a feature or a 
possible bug and get a response from the guy who wrote the code and who is 
not only very friendly and helpful, but also actually *reads* the question 
and is capable of recognizing that the questioner is not an idiot.

For those with lots of time on their hands Moneydance has another interesting 
feature, it's extensible.  It's written in Java and there's a plugin API so 
you can write your own extensions in Java.  The developers are very helpful 
to those who are trying to write extensions.

Moneydance isn't free, but it's inexpensive.  You can download a free trial 
version that limits you to, IIRC, 100 transactions.

I highly recommend it.  It also runs on OS X and Windows.  My wife uses it on 
her iBook, and I use it on Linux.

> Has tax software made it there, yet?

No, although I think some of the web-based tax apps will work.

We do our taxes on OS X.  There was an interesting problem with Turbo Tax this 
year:  it wouldn't print the returns.  It generated invalid Postscript that 
crashed ghostscript (my wife's iBook prints by sending PS to a Linux print 
server).  We might have been able to get it to print by attaching a printer 
directly to the Mac, but ended up using Turbo Tax for Windows in VMWare to 
print the returns after we'd used the Mac to enter all of the data.

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