On Thu, Jan 25, 2001 at 07:25:01PM -0800, Mike Noyes scribbled:
> Rick,
> I think you can use the leaf-devel list for that, but if you really think 
> there is going to be enough traffic to justify it, I'll add it. Just 
> remember that we can't delete mailing lists once they are created.

Well, there will be bursts of enough traffic. However, I think
it will facilitate better discussion among more targeted interests
to have a seperate list for discussing pcmcia; I got the idea while
reading a message from one of the many people who've come out of
the woodwork lately, when I wanted to discuss it with him, but I
didn't particularly want to do it where other things are being

I want to be able to say "Everybody who's done something with
PCMCIA or is interested, please come to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and explain what you've got."

> Are you going to want to admin the pcmcia list? If not I'll do it. :)

Hell no, I'm not going to want to admin it. ;-) In fact, that
and the fact that it can't be deleted once it's created is
what stopped me from creating it myself about 20 minutes ago.

> Also, shouldn't it be called pccard instead of pcmcia?

Everybody still prefers to call it PCMCIA; PC Card is just a
stupid buzzword that nobody cares about, afaict. I've never
seen or heard it in use except by manufacturers and Ziff Davis

> --
> Mike Noyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> http://leaf.sourceforge.net/
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

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