<x-flowed>At 08:18 AM 1/31/01 -0800, "Scott C. Best" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         I agree with Rick: it's a damn fine idea. The certification
>authority you're looking for is www.icsa.net; I had a potential
>customer ask me not-so-long-ago about it specifically.

It gives small business owners that warm and fussy feeling.

>         It *probably* requires that our firewall be active "out of
>the box", which means we need a 'SOHO boilerplate' ruleset.

Firewall Product Certification Criteria Version 3.0a
http://www.icsalabs.com/html/communities/firewalls/ \

~ The Candidate Firewall Product is not required to meet any
~ requirements immediately after having been installed.

TruSecure Corporation IPSec Product Certification Version 1.0B
http://www.icsalabs.com/html/communities/ipsec/ \

>         Also, being sheer marketing, it may cost money to get such
>ICSA approval of a "SOHO LEAF Image 1.0", but I'll look into it.
>The money may be the easy part. :)

Unfortunately, I believe we'll need to go through this process for every 
LEAF release (e.g. Oxygen, EigerStein) and version (e.g. Dec.2000, 2Beta). 
I think the cost will be prohibitive. :(

I think, would be better to suggest Nessus and various nmap Internet based 
testing. It would be easy to generate and post results from each LEAF 
release on our site.


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