First everyone deserves a big pat on the back. We have doubled the content that was in 
the original LRP Q&A.

With help from Rick, I modified our DocManager backup script to only archive our 
content. Prior to this the SF html (~300 lines) was wrapped around our content. This 
made it hard to revert to a prior version of a document. There are a couple of 
positive side effects to this change. One, the html files in our tarballs print well. 
We may want to place the html files in a directory, so we can link to a printer 
friendly version. Two, I believe it's easier to modify the backed up content and cut 
and past into the DocManager. This allows you to use an html validating editor of your 

I'm running the docman.sh script from cron every Monday at 05:15. 

DocManager tarballs

docman.sh changes:
I piped wget to sed and stripped the SF html prior to writing the file. This caused a 
problem. Not all of the child processes were finishing before tar was called, so I 
added wait just prior to calling tar. This apparently fixed the problem. Suggestions 
and comments are welcome. Thanks.

Old line:
wget -O "$SOURCE" "$PAGE"

New line:
wget -O - "$SOURCE" | sed -n -e '/View Documentation/,/end content/p' | \
sed -e '1s:<.*a></b><p>::' > "$PAGE"


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