On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 11:52:27AM -0600, Charles Steinkuehler scribbled:
On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 11:52:27AM -0600, Charles Steinkuehler scribbled:
> - Cardbus & WaveLAN suport <optional, see below>

Gack! You're going to take away all my glory! ;)
j/k. I'm having trouble with mine, and have not been working
on it enough, so if you do it before me, no big deal.

> !! - WOW - !!
> In addition, waiting for me when I got home was one of the Embedded Linux 
> Journal development kits.  The box includes Blue-Cat linux, a PC-104 board
> using the ZF-Linux MachZ chip, an 8 Meg DiskOnChip, 32 Meg SDRAM, a PC-104
> to ISA backplane, ISA VGA & ethernet cards, floppy disk, power supply,
> cables, and pretty much everything needed to make a working embedded system,
> even an O-Reilly book on programming embedded systems.  I guess it was worth
> sending off an application for the ELJ design contest!

I'm jealous. I should have sent an application...the kit looks cool.

> Current plans call for the PC-104 system to become the controller in my next
> robot (a middle-weight for the May 24-27 BattleBots event in San Francisco).
> I'm not sure yet if I'll use wireless NIC's or my current R/C system, but
> the computer will be doing active servo control regardless.  I'll probably
> start with LRP on the computer system, but may check out BlueCat to see what
> it's like.

Why not use both, R/C and wireless LAN? You could have one as a
backup to the other; seems that most KOs happen as a result of
control failure. The R/C could be a backup, but the LAN could
allow you to program more capable and easier controls.

> Charles Steinkuehler
> http://lrp.steinkuehler.net
> http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

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