On Wed, 21 Mar 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 06:41:18PM +0100, Pim van Riezen scribbled:
> > What amazes me, on both the leaf and my stats, is that so very few people
> > actually access the site with lynx. You'd expect that the h4xx0r-value of
> > running an embedded router/firewall is something which would attract all
> > the "I'm too leet to do X, console owns" people in flocks :)
> Yes, but even we recognize that graphical web browsers with mouse
> support are a much more efficient way to browse most sites.. ;-)

I've been using a very old HP X terminal in my livingroom upstairs for
quite a while when it had too little RAM to really support displaying the
Netscape application (as soon as the second image on a site loaded, the X
exceptions started rolling :). At that time I happened across the
text-only browser called w3m, which is ab-so-lutely perfect for this job.
It renders sites with frames and complex table layouts without flaw,
enabling access to a lot of sites (things only get hairy when sites start
relying on javascript for basic functionality, thank god this habit is
dying out).

My primary workstation is an Indy, I don't see much use for such a beast
if it isn't doing X and I have since upgraded the RAM in the X terminal,
so this good news doesn't really affect me much anymore, but still it's a
nice program :)


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