Just thinking here, generally a bad idea... I've been reading the
Postfix list lately, on which Linux is dissed for a couple of reasons:

a) asynchronous flushing in ext2fs causes lost mail

This is a good reason to diss, and I've been avoiding ext2fs for a while
now. It looks like ReiserFS is a good choice for a mail queue, but I
need to verify that.

b) over-aggressive disk caching in 2.2 kernels causes unneccessary

This got me thinking -- does LRP have a disk cache? And if so, why?
Caching one hunk of system RAM in another is not sensible. So:

willard: -root-
# free
        total:    used:    free:  shared: buffers:  cached:
Mem:  23310336 16236544  7073792  4526080  6193152  4861952
Swap:        0        0        0
MemTotal:     22764 kB
MemFree:       6908 kB
MemShared:     4420 kB
Buffers:       6048 kB
Cached:        4748 kB
SwapTotal:        0 kB
SwapFree:         0 kB

willard: -root-
# df
Filesystem         1024-blocks  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
/dev/ram0               6076    4441     1635     73%   /
/dev/fd0u1680           1662    1496      166     90%   /mnt
/dev/fd1u1680           1664     970      694     58%   /mnt1

My entire 6 meg ramdisk is being buffered?!?!?

Any ideas about how to turn off buffering, or bad effects from doing so?

Jack Coates
Monkeynoodle: It's what's for dinner!

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