<x-flowed>At 07:11 PM 2/9/01 -0800, Steven Peck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Seeing as I haven't set up a directory yet, is this something I won't have 
>to do when I shell in for the first time?

Correct. It's only a problem for people that already have content on our site.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mike Noyes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Friday, February 09, 2001 7:29 AM
>Subject: Re: [Leaf-devel] LDAP chown to "dummy"
>At 09:14 AM 2/9/01 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >On 9 Feb 2001, at 14:39, Mike Noyes wrote:
> >
> > > Thanks! I just verified that this works. I should have tried the archive
> > > switch before.
> >
> >Don't you need the -R switch to recurse?
>-a is a shortcut for -dpR
> > > $ cd /home/groups/leaf/htdocs
> > > $ mv yourname ..
> > > $ cp -a ../yourname .
> > > $ rm -rf ../yourname
> > > $ cd /home/groups/ftp/pub/leaf/devel
> > > $ mv yourname ..
> > > $ cp -a ../yourname .
> > > $ rm -rf ../yourname
> >
> >How about this?
> >
> >#!/bin/ksh
> >
> >HTTP_HOME=/home/groups/leaf
> >FTP_HOME=/home/groups/ftp/pub/leaf/devel
> >
> >tag () {
> >    cd $1
> >    [ ! -f $2 ] && exit 1
> >    mv $2 ..
> >    cp -a ../$2 . && rm -rf ../$2
> >    }
> >
> >tag $HTTP_HOME $1 || echo "http: err!"
> >tag $FTP_HOME $1 || echo "ftp: err!"
> >
> >....makes a nice program to put in somewhere...
>Yes it does, and I'm glad someone can write things like this. As you 
>are  already well aware, I'm probably the most inept admin in the history 
>of unix.
>Free time has its virtues though. :)


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