> Symptom:
> When I boot the new package I get after:
> DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 8
> receive_packet failed on eth0: Network is down
> Then if I issue after login in
> /etc/init.d/dhclient  restart
> it works ok
> I replaced the dhclient package with the one on Charle's site version
> 2.0pl5 (not the one on Eigerstein Beta2 which is I think an earlier
> version). I was able to login without any problem. Therefore the problem
> is with the dhclient.lrp in the Beta2_test package.

Yes, we need to verify the dhclient package is 2.0pl5.  An older version is
on the existing EigerStein disks.

> Another problem is the dhclient-script file which must be hacked when
> dhclient is running with dnscache. See FAQ section at
> http://leaf.sourceforge.net/devel/jnilo/dnscache.html

Hmm...kind of a sticky problem.  Since I now know more about how dhclinet
works, what about the following:

1) Return the dhclient scripts to their original form (ie knowing nothing
about dnscache)

2) Add a prepend statement to dhclient.conf:
  prepend domain-name-servers;

This *should* use the local dnscache to resolve names, falling back to the
DNS server(s) provided by the ISP if local resolution fails, and keeps
everything standard but the dhclient configuration file, which is where such
things are supposed to be set.

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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