> > NOTE:  I'm still very open to suggestions on what to use as the base of
> > next generation of LRP like functionality.  I'm mainly looking at
> > with an existing distribution because 'out of the box' you get a working
> > cross-compile environment (no more dedicated Debian Slink boxes just to
> > compile an application or two), and much of the software will be
> > pre-packaged.
> I was recently contacted by the makers of BlueCat Linux (and its
> RTOS sister LynxOS) at www.lynuxworks.com, who are actively looking for
> partners for their distro. I cannot comment on the strengths of their
> product, but if you'd like a name&email of the partners manager, that I
> can provide.

Please do.  I've actually got a copy of BlueCat, which came with my ELJ
contest kit.  So far, I've been less than successful at getting it to boot
(believe it or not, their network bootstrap loader won't work across a
router), and there tech support has apparently been following the Dispair
Inc. Apathy motto:  If we ignore our customers, maybe they'll go away, but
this could be related to the fact that I have a 'freebie' version...

On the plus side, their distribution installed a cross-compile develompent
environment on my RH 6.2 box successfully, and they look to have a fairly
large list of pre-built packages.  The boot problems are also at least
partially due to the embedded PC card I've been trying to get BlueCat
working with...

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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