On Tue, 4 Dec 2001, Charles Steinkuehler wrote:

> Yeah, I think it's pretty big, plus I believe most of these packages
> openssl and other huge add-ons to run.  The basics of public-key
> cryptography, however, are pretty simple, so I think it'd be possible to
> make a small (a few K, perhaps) binary that would simply calculate and
> verify signatures, as long as there arn't too many various options to deal
> with (ie no cert chains, or fancy stuff, just plain-old crypto signing).

And Jack Coats pointed out gpgv that might fit on a CD (283932 bytes), 
to which Jeff Newmiller reminded all that gpg will take that much 
ramdisk + RAM to run in...

gpgv is the verification only part, and looking through the source code,
most of it is gpg "stubbed out" (to be as small as possible.)  From the 
looks of it, it is pretty close to what you were describing:  

gnupg 1.0.6 (gpgv), stripped and upx'ed down to 113522 bytes

That's still pretty big.  Or do you think that would be small enough?  I
see any way to get a pgp-like app smaller than that.

Another idea might be to use OpenSSL, something like s/mime.
(OpenSSL 0.9.6b stripped & upx'ed is 400K or so, but it includes 
alot of other junk.)   I saw no obvious way to strip it down without
rewriting a small wrapper app that uses just a subset of the SSL 
libraries.  (but, I make NO claims to being a coder.)  

With OpenSSL, you'd have to worry about maintining x509 certs, though.

No solutions, just some ramblings on my thoughts. 
Comments or ideas welcome.

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