> Oops!  I was testing under bash...apparently echo has a somewhat
broken echo
> command (as it seems like you already found out).  The simple change
> for both bash and ash, and is still smaller:
> Change:
> >     echo -e -n "\b$i"
> To:
>   echo -e -n "\b"
>   echo -n "$i"
> Of course, there's always the alternate tack of:
> while : ; do
>  for i in 134 174 057 055 ; do
>   echo -e -n "\b\\$i"
>   sleep 1
>  done
> done
> But that's probably even more confusing...
Ah ! the beauty of shell scripting :-)
Back to original LRP spirit ...
A nice suggestion. I buy it ! (a beer is OK ?)

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