Mike Noyes got the sst guys to send a schematic and some details about their
ATA-Disk module (ADM) and it's write-protect features:

> Fwd: FW: LD017 SADM sch
> >From: Tanvir Sadique <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: FW: LD017 SADM sch
> >Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 10:44:02 -0800
> >X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)
> >
> >Hello Mike,
> >Here is the schematic we spoke about.  The following comments were from
> >one of our product guys on Write Protect.
> >
> >Best Regards,
> >
> >Tanvir Sadique
> >Staff Applications Engineer
> >Customer Support
> >Ph. 408.523-7768
> >Fx. 408.523-7757
> >www.superflash.com
> >
> >
> >

> >Here is the 40pin 5V ADM schematic. This is using the LD017
> >controller.  In the schematic R8 is used as an option for WP.
> >
> >The ADM using the LD016 was never released to production.  It was build
> >for customer evaluation purpuses, only, and it does not support the WP
> >
> ><<LD017 SADM.doc>>

Looking at the schematic, taking into account the information above, it
looks like the ADM *DOES* support a write-protect function, but it's not in
the form of an easily accessible jumper.  What I have determined:

* If you have an ADM module using the LD017 controller chip, you can enable
a write-protect function (per above comments).  Note that the write-protect
feature is particular to THIS SPECIFIC DEVICE, and is not a general feature
of IDE devices.

* There is a zero-ohm resistor (used as a build-time configuration option)
to connect the write protect line of the controller IC to pin 30 of the IDE
interface (from the above comments, and the schematic).
    - If R8 is populated, pin 30 controls the write-protect
    - If R8 is vacent, the device behaves normally (ie no write-protect)

Interpolating a bit, since I don't have a unit to test, and the PDF doc
indicates a WP# jumper that doesn't exist:

The device should be write-protected if you tie the write-protect line from
the controller chip to ground.  Since R8 is between the controller's
write-protect signal and IDE pin 30 (which should be ground on a standard
IDE cable), it should be possible to place a switch across the pads of the
(presumably missing) resistor R8.  If the switch is "on", or shorted, the
device should be write-protected.  If the switch is "off", or open, writes
should be possible.

Can someone with one of these units physically look to see if there is a
missing resistor "R8" anywhere on the board?  One end should go to pin 30 on
the IDE connector, while the other end goes to pin 62 of the controller
chip, according to the schematic I recieved.

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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