On 2/14/02 at 4:36 PM, Michael D. Schleif <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For example, /var/log is the standard residence of logfiles.

Is it?  Only in Linux apparently; my Unixware and HP-UX systems use

> For example, the root directory (/) should be residence to
> directories *only* or, at least, *no* ordinary nor
> executable files -- or, should it?

Many UNIXes (most?) use / as root's home directory.

> For example, /etc should house, among else, configuration
> files, including a system of symbolic links facilitating
> system initialization, &c. -- but, then, what about /var
> or /usr/local or /opt?

...and what about /var/state and /var/spool/cache?

Not only is standardization impossible, but the little variances are
what makes a distribution individual and perhaps better than others.

I could list variance after variance - both within Linux distributions
and out:

* ip vs. ifconfig/netstat/route
* /etc/init.d ; /etc/rc.d/init.d ; /sbin/init.d ...
* /var/log ; /var/adm/syslog
* apkg v. lrpkg
* /usr/local/bin ; /opt
* / vs. /root (home dir)
* BSD /etc/rc vs. SysV /etc/rc.d/S000script ...
* Some system binaries were commonly put into /etc...
* System administration tools: linuxconf, webadmin, sysadm, sadm,
smit, sam....
* vi vs. anything else (emacs?)
* Package management: pkgadd; swinstall; rpm; debpkg; etc......
* Compression: compress; gzip; bzip2; zip...

I don't think we can force standardization - it's this sort of thing
that makes the djbtools license so offensive...
David Douthitt
UNIX Systems Administrator
HP-UX, Unixware, Linux

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