I have just finished setting up a Weblet Demo box.


It is located at


Pleas check it out and post comments!!


It is currently built on Bering 1.0 RC2 and will stay that way until there is a new 
version of Weblet ready to go.  I know there were some other changes to Weblet made 
since RC2 that I need to find.


I must make a few things clear:


I do not have a clear grasp of who may also be working on Weblet and I do not want to 
do redundant work or step on anyone’s toes so I need to find out who else is working 
on Weblet or is interested in participating. I have had some discussion with 
guitarlynn so I know she is doing some work.  


Here is a list of changes currently deployed in the demo site:


Added a new list of all the configuration files on the left side of the index page.  I 
have included all the main networking files, modules file, ppp files, and all of 
Shorewall.  I did this with a combination of index.html modification (including some 
cleanup, primarily with an added style entry above that took out all the remaining 
style info bellow) and some changes in the showlogs* cgi scripts.

Made a change so that on the individual pages displaying either a config file or a 
log, the entire path is displayed at the top rather than just the file name. 

Added two new links, to the configuration file section, one that gives you a single 
page with all the major configuration files from /etc and another for all the 
Shorewall files.  Each combined config list uses a seperate cgi script.  The config 
file lists are hardcoded in the scripts so it is a temporary hack.  I would like to 
directly link these to the packages so that they are dynamic.  I would also like to 
make the initial page more dynamic, move it from a static page to a separate script.



Here are the additional changes I have made today but not deployed to the demo site 


Converted index.html to index.cgi

Added function for displaying uptime.  Added the uptime using this function under the 
status indicators on the index page.

Abstracted most of the original content of index.html to /cgi-bin/index.content

added a new header function to weblet.functions that includes a page refresh;
this to be used with the index page and all pages (logs and the like) that should
refresh to be up to date

added a new styles function to the weblet.functions that contains all the css info

changed the header functions to use the new styles function



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