I just wanted to thank everyone for the help.

Two people were kind enough to send me an executable version of the little C program. It worked exactly as I had hoped, and the toggle now works through the web interface.

Also, I do understand the potential security hazard of using the shell script, as Charles pointed out. I definitely agree that it's not the kind of thing you'd want in a widespread distribution, but for just li'l ol' me, it'll do the trick ;-)

It's a very small trusted network, and security's not a huge issue. Anyhow, weblet's only accessible on the local network, and shh / ftp access are only allowed from my computer. Both the C "wrapper" and shell script are set to only allow read/execute permissions for root. I'm sure it's still a security no-no, but like I said, it'll do for my purposes.

Again, thanks to everyone. This list is great, and the response was a lot quicker than I expected. I'll peak in every now and then, and may even have to consider setting up some kind of development environment so I can do some tweaking of my own :-)


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