Hello everbody

I have started some work on Bering. For this, I developed some add-ons and
scripts that helped me configure the firewalls. If somebody is interested in
checking the stuff out, and if there is a place to put it on for download, I
could polish it a bit over the holidays and release it. I can offer the

Please tell me what you'd be interested in.

- fwbuilder.lrp + fwbuilder install script
  We use fwbuilder to generate iptables rule. With the install script, you
choose "install" from the fwbuilder menu and the new rules are installed,
and the package is written back to the harddisk. Design your rules locally
on a GUI before loading them with one mouseclick!

- startup/linuxrc option log_mnt
  puts the logfiles on a partition or on a directory in a partition if you
use big enough media (Harddisk, DoM) so they survive a restart. Check why it

- Bering development kit
  A bunch of scripts that I used to configure my Bering firewall on a Linux
systems and generate all LRPs. I create the Bering root tree so I can edit
config files and add modules and the generate LRPs with the new contents
including the initrd. Includes a module updater that replaces all modules in
the Bering tree after a kernel compile. Roll your own Bering!

- repackaged ssh.lrp /sshd.lrp
   My sshd.lrp contains only server stuff (including sftp-server). ssh.lrp
should contain only client stuff, but I didn't need that yet, I installed
only server stuff.

- Development kit for multiple firewalls (planned)
  An improvement on the development kit that lets you create a new firewall
by only specifying config files that are different that the stock distro,
modules and package list and that applies these differences to a clean tree
to create a new firewall

- Grub/Lilo How-To, lilo.lrp
  I wanted to use reiserfs and had problems with larger disks with syslinux,
so I moved to lilo. Lilo wouldn't load the initrd from the RAID-1 SCSI disk,
so I moved to grub, which is great if you can spare the space.

Alex Rhomberg

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