Spiro Philopoulos wrote:
I'm using GRUB to run LRP off a hard drive and I've noticed that /proc/cmdline
is truncated and does not include all packages to load. It seems to get
truncated after ~255 characters. Has anybody that's used GRUB come across this
problem? Is there a way to get around this limit? Any info/help would be
greatly appreciated. Thanks.

This is a FAQ.

The 255 character limit is from the kernel, not from grub, so *ALL* boot-loaders will have this problem (including syslinux, lilo, etc).

Recent distributions allow the use of a file (typically lrpkg.cfg) to override the LRP= portion of the linux command line, allowing you to load as many packages as you like. This functionality is part of the linuxrc init scripts, and is distribution specific, although at least Dachstein and Bering support this extention.

Charles Steinkuehler

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