Section 5:

"Trick" LRP into thinking your package is installed by editing
/var/lib/lrpkg/packages, and adding your package name to the bottom of the
list. The name here should match the <package> portion of the files you
created earlier, and will be what your LRP package is backed up as. If you
are using apkg instead, then you can skip this step.

Section 6:

You are now ready to ``create'' your LRP package. Just do a backup of your
package from lrcfg and you will have <package>.lrp created for you on your
disk drive. If you don't have a backup option for your package, you didn't
do step 5 correctly.

Problem is, step 5 is not enough if you're working on Bering:

One also has to declare the package in the file /var/lib/lrpkg/backdisk in
order for the package to show up in lrcfg.

So I'd suggest adding something like the following to Section 5;

"Note that if you're working on Bering, you also have to declare your new
package in /var/lib/lrpkg/backdisk, which controls the destination of the
packages. Follow the syntax of the other lines in there."

- or something to that effect.

I should mention that the above is something I noticed while making a
package on Bering 1.0_rc2 (I think), and I haven't checked whether it still
holds true on later releases...


Jon Clausen

Whatever rocks your boat!

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