Am Sonntag, 16. Mai 2004 00:11 schrieb Mike Noyes:
> Everyone,
> A new preview of our website is on-line at:
>         Note: I still need to add our announcements, rss feeds, and
>         developer login information.
> Feedback is appreciated.

Hello Mike;

a few points:

1) Can you move entry for "MailingLists" from sourceforge menu to Main menu?
Looking at a new side I'm mostly interested in
a) downloads
b) docs
c) Mailinglists - which tell me most about activity and culture of this 
project, and is an invaluable source of knowledge.

2) I'm still not satisfied with the solution how find the different branches.

The derivation picture is very nice - IF you know you can click on a branch. 
If you don't know, as I did first time you are lost. Besides that, for LEAF 
experienced users it's a genealogy, for a lot of users it's confusing - so 
IMHO not the best entry.

The menu above all with the branches is also a nice one - but was hard to find 
- well you told me it's there; I simply overlooked - maybe it's expectation 
about pages (and most of the pages are that way) "menu's are on left side, in 
the middle, top of page is nothing, bottom of page boring disclaims" - and 
it's so small, with bad eyes you can't even read it.
But don't remove it - if you are aware of it, it's a good enhancement. 

I really like to have the current "Releases/branches" back (maybe called only 
Branches) and without the submenu below a branch as today

3) Maybe we should have a third menu - development - with the developer 
info's/pages and cvs stuff

That said; thanks for your work! 
And indicates you are recovered, great.

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