Mike Noyes wrote:

On Thu, 2004-12-30 at 09:02, Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
Also, I'm not sure basic is properly mirroring the SF web content anymore (at least it looks different). Do the syncing scripts perhaps need to be modified with all the recent changes to the website?

That task is on my to-do also. Mirroring is a little more complex to setup, but easier to maintain. I need to write up a set of instructions. I'll probably use basic to make sure I have the steps correctly documented. Is the mirror script in leaf crontab?

The mirror scripts are in the leaf user's home directory, called by crontab

<leaf crontab>
# m h dom mon dow command

# Sync Project directory
# 45 2 * * * /home/leaf/bin/sync-www

# Sync CVS directory
# 45 3 * * * /home/leaf/bin/sync-cvs
</leaf crontab>

The cvs sync basically rsyncs from a remote server that has enough bandwidth to download the whole CVS tarball nightly.

The www sync first rsync's the site content from SF, then rebuilds the local mysql database from the nightly leaf sql database dump (which it expects to find in mirror/leaf.sql).

Charles Steinkuehler

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