shorwall.lrp is usually taken from Tom's download pages.
Tom provided also a script to build from his cvs.

Am Montag, 11. April 2005 15:37 schrieb Paul Traina:
> I don't see it in buildtool?  Tom's got some changes in CVS I want
> to play with to test UPnP integration, and I wanted to see about
> making some local changes.

I think you refer to 2.2.3 - we haven't tested the 2.2 versions yet, 
but if you like to, you may download  shorewall-lrp-2.2.3.tgz from 
one of the mirrors on (

> I realize shorewall isn't compiled per-se, but shouldn't it be
> under buildtool anyway so we can patch in local changes?

hmm, given that I'm able to commit to the LRPx repository of Tom's cvs 
tree, it is some extra work to maintain another one on sourceforge.


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