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Erich Titl wrote:

| Charles
| Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
|> Erich Titl wrote:
|> | Hi folks
|> |
|> | I would like to use cramfs to store static filesystems on flash. I know
|> | lince and wisp-dist did that before, I just seem to miss the point on
|> | how to get the xx.cramfs file to the flash medium.
|> |
|> | Do I have to treat it like a binary file system image or can I copy it
|> | to a partition.
|> |
|> | If so what would be the partition type to use.
|> |
|> | Thanks for pointers
| I was assuming this, I could, of course, loop mount the cramfs file. I
| am just wondering about partition type and size if I just copy the
| cramfs image to a partition.

AFAIK, the partition (or chunk of raw flash) you copy the cramfs image file
to simply has to be *BIGGER* than the image.  Any extra space is simply
wasted (this is a read-only filesystem, after all).

Also, I don't think there is a partition type code specific for cramfs (this
FS is mainly used in raw flash or as a ramdisk image, after all).  That
shouldn't be a problem, however...just use whatever code you want (ie: 0x83,
0xcf, whatever).  The kernel typically identifies cramfs partitions via a
'magic number' at the start of the filesystem data, rather than via
partition type codes (only available on HDD and similar media) anyway.

- --
Charles Steinkuehler
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