On Mon, 2011-07-04 at 23:37 +0200, Erich Titl wrote:
> Hi David
> on 04.07.2011 21:06, david M brooke wrote:
> > 
> ...
> > 
> > Hi Mike,
> > 
> > My build host is running Fedora 15 for x86_64. Works fine. Happy to
> > share the logfile from a clean build if that is any use, though it
> > will be big...
> > 
> > Would be good to get an understanding of which build OS platforms
> > are OK / not OK to extend the list in the Wiki page. What platforms
> > do other developers use?
> > 
> I don't think we should not limit the development platform to known
> working ones but try to find the issue itself.


> The way I understand it,
> it appears to be a PATH/LIBPATH  problem on a particular platform. Also
> it appears to be reproducible on a VM and KP could try another distro as
> a VM to narrow it down. It may be that this issue is just the tip of an
> iceberg showing up on a particular library environment.

Mike Noyes

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