Hey there,
  I have the E2B working great. Thakn you for that awesome documentation
on LEAF. My network only has one subnet so I didnt install Seattle
Firwall. I figgured the basic version would be good enough for now.
  I have allowed SMTP, WWW, POP-3 to be forwarded in my network.conf to
my internal Win2k server. But for some reason its not working quite
right. Here is a sample of the port forwarding section of my
# IP Filter setup - can pull in settings from above
# Set up the basic type of filtering. Can be one of
# You must load the ip_masq_* modules to enable full IP masquerading,
# ip_masq_portfw if you want to forward external ports pop-3, mtp, www 
# to internal machines below.
# This set of variables is used with both sets of filters
SNMP_BLOCK=YES                  # Block all SNMP (YES/NO)
                                # List of IP  Nos used for SNMP
# Fair Queuing support   
# List of Mark values
MRK_CRIT=1   # Critical traffic, routing, DNS
MRK_IA=2   # Interactive traffic - telnet, ssh, IRC
    # List of traffic types and maps to mark values
    # Setting this variable turns on the 
    # fairq chain
CLS_FAIRQ="${MRK_CRIT}_89_0/0 ${MRK_CRIT}_udp_0/0_route
${MRK_CRIT}_tcp_0/0_bgp ${MRK_CRIT}_tcp_0/0_domain
${MRK_CRIT}_udp_0/0_domain ${MRK_IA}_tcp_0/0_telnet
# This set of variables is used with the basic routing filter setup
# This set of variables is used with a basic IP masquerading firewall
#Notation - IP addresses/masklen
# NOTE: Do NOT turn on the DMZ network or ANY external port
# port forwarding when EXTERN_DYNADDR is on because some security
# leaks will result.  You may also want to limit the external open
# ports to domain (UDP) for DNS. Anyhow, these features are not that 
# usable unless you have a static external address 
EXTERN_IF="eth0"  # External Interface
# Start of changes by Charles Steinkuehler for DHCP
# Added for DHCP support
# Setting this to YES causes the script to read EXTERN_IP directly from
# the interface
EXTERN_DHCP=NO                 # - YES/NO
# The interface to configure via dhcp

# If YES, your firewall filters use 0/0 for your IP address, instead of
# actual IP address.  Set this to NO for typical ethernet setups, even
if you
# are using DHCP
          # External Address dynamically assigned
    #  -- OR --
EXTERN_IP=  # External Interface IP number
# If external interface is DHCP, read the IP address
# This should probably be moved to the init.d network script, but it
# I put it here for now, as it is more obvious what it is doing, in case
# messes something else up.
if [ "$EXTERN_DHCP" = "YES" ] || \
   [ "$EXTERN_DHCP" = "Yes" ] || \
   [ "$EXTERN_DHCP" = "yes" ]; then
  # This computes the IP address of $EXTERN_IF
  # Grep extracts just the line(s) with IP address information from the
  # of ip addr.  The first sed gets rid of all but the first line (in
  # there are several IP addresses for some reason), and next sed
  # just the IP address in dot quad notation.
  EXTERN_IP=`ip addr list label $EXTERN_IF | \
             grep inet | \
             sed '1!d' | \
             sed 's/^[^.0-9]*\([.0-9]*\).*$/\1/'`
  # Debugging - Remove if you like
  # echo Extern IP: $EXTERN_IP
  # If the external address is not configured, use a bogus address for
  # external interface to prevent a bunch of (harmless) errors that spit
  # when the IPCHAINS script is called.
  if [ x$EXTERN_IP = x ]; then
# UDP Services open to outside world
# - srcip/mask_dstport
# NOTE: bootpc port is used for dhcp client
EXTERN_UDP_PORTS="0/0_domain 0/0_www"
# End of changes made by Charles Steinkuehler for dhcp support
# TCP services open to outside world
# - srcip/mask_dstport
EXTERN_TCP_PORTS="0/0_ssh 0/0_smtp 0/0_pop-3 0/0_www"
# Internal interface
INTERN_IF="eth1"  # Internal Interface
INTERN_NET= # Internal network (to be masqueraded)
INTERN_IP=  # IP number of Internal Interface
    # (to allow forwarding to external IP)
MASQ_SWITCH=YES   # Masquerade internal network to outside
    # world - YES/NO
# These services are not masqueraded from inside to outside.
# Allows the firewall to be trusted for ssh access to routers...
# Override for below
# services not to be masqueraded
# Uncomment following for internal services.
# The following is an example of what should be put here.
# Tuples are as follows:
#       <protocol>_<extern-ip>_<extern-port>_<intern-ip>_<intern-port>
# These lines use the primary external IP address...if you need to
# an aliased IP address, use the INTERN_SERVERS setting above
#INTERN_FTP_SERVER= # Internal FTP server to make available
INTERN_WWW_SERVER= # Internal WWW server to make available
INTERN_SMTP_SERVER= # Internal SMTP server to make
INTERN_POP3_SERVER= # Internal POP3 server to make
INTERN_IMAP_SERVER= # Internal IMAP server to make
#INTERN_SSH_SERVER= # Internal SSH server to make available
#EXTERN_SSH_PORT=24  # External port to use for internal SSH access
Where am I going wrong here? I would also like to open a few external
ports but I can do this through IPCHAINS commands. Do I save those
IPCHAIN commands in memory like I would on a normal Linux system? Or di
I put it in one of the CONF files?
Thank you in advance for putting up with newbie questions. Things to
keep in mind:
1.  I am running the Basic E2B from Charles Steinkuehler's site
2.  I am running it in Static IP external mode and I have deleted the
DHCPClients module
3.  I have SSHD running as well
4.  I am not using Seawall or Shorewall on this disk yet.
Timothy H. Schilbach
yj)b     bizb,y+޶mlqzlX)ߣ^iz

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