On Tue, 26 Jun 2001, Victor McAllister wrote:

> I have been playing with Etienne.Charlier ESB2 test_20010527
> pppoe image.  I thought I would try this image for a friends
> pppoe router.  I have a ram drive of 6 megs with a total of
> 24 megs of ram.

This should be enough.  I use a 6M ramdisk all the time.

>  Several times I got a message no space left
> on device.

>I am not connected to the Internet


> so no logs are filling up.

...is unrelated to this.  You must verify.

>  When I use the lrcfg backup program and
> then try to copy a file to /tmp is one way I get the "No
> space left on device".
> df also report 0% available and 100% used on /dev/ram0.

what does "du /var" report?  Actually, you can use du as necessary
to find out where the space is being sucked up.

> I really like the editor, the 2.2.19, the compressed kernel
> and other neat things - I have managed to fill up the
> ramdrive several times in different ways - that makes me
> think there is a bug in there somewhere.
> Anyone else played with this and found similar problems or
> is it cockpit problems?

This is an odd one.

Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
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Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries            O.O#.       #.O#.  with
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