Thank you Charles for some feedback,

Comments noted below

> To see which libraries you need, run:
> ldd sdmotor

The results are and

I assume with updated versions of these, it would work?  I also assume,
if I downgraded my install (see below) to 2.1, then I would be compiling
against compatible versions of these libs?

What if I updated the libs on the LRP machine?  Would I break anything
with newer libs?  I would assume backward compatibility would be the
name of the game, but this is new ground for me.

> on your debin box.  Since you're program's crashing (not
> generating an error
> about a missing library), you probably are linking against
> the wrong version
> of the standard C library.  Are you compiling on Debian 2.1?

Nope, 2.2r3 from April, 01

> Also, you may need to make sure your kernel has the SCSI
> support modules
> loaded...

Yup, got that covered.

> Do what I do...don't buy Seagate drives ;-)

$4.00, new in box with a write-protect jumper.  I didn't realize I could
cook on the damn thing while it was running.  And the noise....oi!

> IIRC, there are some usermode programs to do this sort of
> thing with SCSI
> drives.  I don't remember off-hand what the programs called,
> but a bit of
> searching should turn up something.  You might also take a
> look at noflushd:

Will do!



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