> another quick question, ok.
> my is eth0_IPADDR= should my DMZ card eth1_IPADDR=
> also?
> I saw this in Rick's Proxy-ARP documentation, but your CD-LRP scripts
> have the addresses as eth0_IPADDR= and eth1_IPADDR=

As far as I know, there's only one reason to put seperate IP's on the
external and DMZ interfaces of your LRP box running a proxy-arp DMZ:  The
current versions of IPSec don't like dealing with configurations where two
interfaces have the same IP.

If you want to run FreeS/WAN IPSec on your LRP firewall, you either need to
assign different IP's to the external and DMZ interfaces, or patch FreeS/WAN
to ignore one of the interfaces so it doesn't get confused on startup.

Since I general use the LRP firewalls as VPN gateways as well as firewalls,
and usually have IP's to spare, my proxy-arp setups have seperate IP's on
these interfaces...if you're not running a VPN and have no plans to, you can
make the IP's the same.

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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