I know the topic of load balancing has been brought up before and I have
read the HOWTO on this topic but am still somewhat in the dark. I am not a
programmer and have almost no knowledge of Perl but am fairly familiar with
LRP and Linux in general.
Here is what I am trying to accomplish...I have several sites configured
with both DSL and Cable internet access. I would like to use one of these
services to back up the other in the event of a failure.  My application is
a VPN connection between these sites and our central site. The actual VPN
will be configured separate from the router likely using some form of
My thinking is to use a LRP configured box with 3 nics and some sort of
script to periodically check the health of the links and make a decision on
which interface to route the traffic.
I am sure others have already been down this path and would prefer to not
have to reinvent the wheel :-) If anyone out there has done this and has any
scripts and/or suggestions they would be willing to share, I would be
Thanks -Rob-

Rob Dover
Sr. Technical Analyst
Network Technologies

"If you listen on a quiet night, you  can  hear the sound of 
 an NT Server reboot".

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