> I have a somewhat dumb question, ok.
> How do I get this image onto a floppy.
> when I use "dd of=/dev/fd0 if=dachstein-pr4-1680.bin"
> ]$ dd of=/dev/fd0u1680 if=dachstein-pr4-1680.bin
> dd: /dev/fd0u1680: Input/output error
> 19+0 records in
> 18+0 records out
> ----------------------------------
> any ideas?

Did you format the disk for 1680K first, or are you using a 1440K
pre-formatted floppy?  The 1440K format has 18 sectors/track, vs 21
sectors/track for 1680K, so your 18 records out indicates it's highly likely
you don't have sectors 19-21 formatted...

Charles Steinkuehler

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