On Thu, 18 Oct 2001, Mike Bell wrote:

> In netscape it is usually necessary to hold down the left shift key and
> then left mouse click on the file to save it properly.  Right clicking
> and choosing save as should work as well.

AFAIK the left shift key has no effect on whether the file is transferred
as binary or text.

This is an old problem. The FAQ answer is that Charles' server is telling
the client it has a text file, and is (per RFC1945) converting the
newlines in the file to CRLF pairs. If the receiving client believes this,
and is a Windows box, then it will assume the data are preformatted as it
wants it and save it as-is.

To obtain correct data you can either use IE on Windows (which
second-guesses the server's stated format based on the first 32k of data),
or use a *nix client (which believes it and reconverts CRLFs to newlines).
Or Charles can correct his server's behavior.

> Mike
> "Bruce E. (Sam) Slade" wrote:
> > 
> > It's a netscape thing...  I get the same stuff, from different sites
> > with v4.76.  So if I'm sucking down files I either go to linux ftp, or
> > use IE (ouch - hurts to say that) as IE sucks them down correctly.
> > 
> >    Sam Slade
> > 
> > "Michael D. Schleif" wrote:
> > > Yes, file sizes *differ*.  This happens on *both* ISO and individual
> > > files -- twice burned on the large ISO's ;<
> > >
> > > > What system/browser are you using?
> > >
> > > Netscrape v4.76.  I was going to try ie6; but, I know that the alternate
> > > sites have always worked for me (i.e., too lazy ;)

Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
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