On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, Matt Brennan wrote:

> i'm currently (happily) using eigerstein2beta with a small home network.
> i'd like to share my permanent connection to the net with my
> next-door-neighbour but maintain separate networks. i also have a web
> server that needs to be moved into a DMZ.
> the thing to do seems to be to add another couple of network cards to
> the firewall (one for the dmz and a new interface and subnet for my
> neighbour's place).
> could i ask, using e2b, is it easy to add another interface to the
> 'safe' side of the firewall? likewise, is it straightforward to prevent
> packets routing from one subnet to the next but allow both to access the
> DMZ?

Should be -- depends on the complexity of the routing.

> and finally, i pay by the byte for downloaded data and would like to
> equitably split the costs with my neighbour. i understand that its
> possible to obtain accounting data from the firewall rules. in this
> case, i'd like to count bytes coming in the external interface and being
> routed to one of the two (nonDMZ) subnets. i've looked at the default
> firewall rules in e2b and wondered what the hell i could touch with
> safety. could you please suggest where to start looking (or if someone
> has achieved same, where i could find such preexisiting scripts). is it
> wise to mail out this info daily (in case of a crash and the logs/state
> disappearing) to be collated ?

Look in /proc for the raw data -- check out Martin Hejl's webstat script
to see how to use the data if you want a base to work from. There are
also updated mail scripts for use with e2b (the built-in is known to be

> thanks and regards,
>   matt
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