On Wednesday 28 November 2001 04:05, you wrote:

> > I am assuming the box has been cracked,
> Why?  Because two log files are empty?
> Do you have a strong password for root?
> Are you using DF's standard ipchains rules?
> If the answers are yes, I'm not convinced.
> It's not called Dachstein "Firewall" for
> nothing.

Many thanks to all, out of late night laziness (brought on by a 400
mile trip that ended up with this circumstance), I should have
compared the ram disk with my exact backup.  Nothing has been
accessed, nothing has been changed, nothing has been compromised,
nothing has been rootkitted here.  ~~Sorry for wasting brainpower~~!!!

The "hacker/cracker" has been using a prog that exploits im's/pm's in
yahoo chat that leaves M$ 9x/ME boxes wide open on the tcp channel.
It's the same thing that has plagued AOL for years now. I guess it's
just proof that closed-source software doesn't help a thing once

I just need to remember how _not_ to log certain DENY'ed packets.
I start another thread since I can't seem to find anything on the
sites or in the archives (though I remember this being discussed
a year or two ago.) 

I feel better now!
~Lynn Avants

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